Abbott Abound® Orange Flavour (30g*30 packs)
Abbott Abound® Orange Flavour (30g*30 packs)
Abbott Abound® Orange Flavour (30g*30 packs)
Unique combination of nutrients: HMB1, Glutamine and Arginine, make wounds heal faster and more optimally2-4. It has been clinically proven that it can quickly increase the accumulation of collagen tissue in the wound and greatly improve the wound healing ability5
Suitable for drinkers
- Diabetic feet
- Pressure ulcers
- Vein ulceration of lower limbs
- Burn
- Surgical incision
- Oral and mucosal damage caused by radiation and chemotherapy
If necessary, please consult a health care provider.
Recommended serving size : 2 cups daily
Preparation method : Mix Abound® (24g) in the package with 237ml to 290ml of warm water, stir until dissolved
It is recommended to drink 2 cups of Abound® between meals every day to achieve optimal results.
Note: Please follow the instructions of medical staff when drinking. It cannot be used as a meal replacement or for intravenous injection. It may be used by children only under the direction of a doctor or healthcare professional. Not suitable for use in septic patients.
1. HMB=beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (β- hydroxy - β-methylbutyrate complex), a metabolite of essential amino acids)
2. Wilmore DW et al. J Nutr. 2001; 131:2543S-2549S; discussion 2550S-2541S
3. Kirk SJ, HursonM, Regan MC, Holt DR, Wasserkrug HL, Barbul A et al. 1993;114:155-159; discussion 160
4. Heleh L, Chien S, Huang M, RTseng H, Chang C et al. Asia Pac J Clin Nurs. 2006;15:544-550
5. William JZ et al. Ann Surg 2002; 236: 369-375
6. This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been subject to such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
^ According to the brand's internal data, Ensure Nutrivigor® was officially launched in Hong Kong in December 2013. It is the first HMB balanced nutritional formula in Hong Kong ( 0.52g HMB / 100ml)